"Never doubt a cooperative group who form a company committed to changing the world. Indeed it is the most scalable thing that ever has." - Vinny Tafuro
"Never doubt a cooperative group who form a company committed to changing the world. Indeed it is the most scalable thing that ever has." - Vinny Tafuro

As we reach the midpoint of October I want to provide a recap of some of the subjects covered on the blog of Tafuro Communications and Conscious Capitalism Florida over the past month and give an update on CCF's progress.

Conscious Capitalism Florida

We have continued the growth of Conscious Capitalism Florida's grassroots  advocate base, started speaking to businesses and organizations around the state and have booked fall semester speaking engagements at various universities as part of our student outreach. We have been delighted to see continued news and updates in many sectors about the evolving culture of business as Conscious Capitalism grows awareness.

If you would like a presentation on Conscious Capitalism at your business, organization, or university please request a speaker here.

Conscious Capitalism Florida Blog

Tafuro Communications - Musings by Vinny Tafuro

Thank you for taking the time to check out this update and please comment if you find something interesting or want to discuss any of the posts and topics.




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