According to the Tampa Tribune eight local police and rescue agencies spent at least $175,000 since April during campaign visits by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton.

Tampa police spent $100,826 on nine visits.

The total is only slightly more than Sarah Palin’s wardrobe blunder which was paid for by the Republican Party not our tax dollars.

These events were merely pep rallies for candidates; had they been town hall style forums of some similar format the public expense might be justified.

One Reply to “Government waste”

  1. Believe me, I’m not so contrarian as to argue in favor of government waste. But security for presidential and vp candidates: is that not, in part, the price of democracy? And, less idealistically, is it not, in its own way, a form of national marketing for Tampa and some economic stimulus in terms of providing for candidates and their media hordes?

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