Corporate Empathy – My First Book

Empathy: The ability to understand and share the feelings of another.

Corporate Empathy: Empowering corporations to embrace the technology age to improve the lives of the people they serve.

Corporate Empathy is the title of a book I began working on in December and am working hard to complete prior to this coming Wednesday. I have been given the opportunity to place a signed final version in a time capsule in the safe below the historic St. Paul AME Church that serves as the community center for Metro 510 apartments where I live. The time capsule will be kept there for 25 years. I love the urban neighborhood that has become my home on the north end of downtown Tampa and look forward to being here to open it in 25 years.

It seems fitting to place a copy in the time capsule here since it was one month to the day following my move in that the idea solidified as a document full of notes and ideas that have now become a persuasive argument for empowering corporations to embrace the technology age to improve the lives of the people they serve.

I will be self publishing the book through Create Space while also considering a traditionally published version if the opportunity presents itself. I will also be following up with articles that will suggest simple logical solutions to common issues related to the ideas set out in the book.

After reading Seth Godin's blog post, This might work (my new book), where he announced a Kick Starter project to launch his newest book I have decided that with under a week to go I would provide a way for my closest personal and business friends to show support for this idea early and help me to spread a message I feel will resonate well with many of you. To advance purchase a signed copy of the book you can use the PayPal purchase links below.

To get an idea of what this is all about I have provided a sample that includes the introduction and part of the prologue.


Vinny Tafuro


Supporter - $20.00 or More

For supporting this project and purchasing my book in advance at a premium you will get a signed copy of Corporate Empathy. [Purchase Here]

Supporter II - $500 or More

For offering to support this project at this level I will provide you with two signed copies of Corporate Empathy and a personal letter of thanks  for your involvement in my successful completion of this project project's first phase. I will also provide you with a PDF preview version of Corporate Empathy prior to publishing.[Purchase Here]

Acknowledgement Supporter - $1,000 or More (2 of 4 remain)

For offering to support this project at this level I will provide you with a PDF preview version of Corporate Empathy to read and discuss with me prior to publishing. I will name you in the acknowledgment of Corporate Empathy and  provide you two signed copies of the book. [Purchase Here]

Posts On Corporate Empathy


  1. Laurel Goldston says:

    Wow, this is so exciting Vinny! Congrats! I want a signed one! ;))
    Let me know what I need to do!
    😉 so happy for u!

  2. Vinny says:

    Laurel / Alison, Sorry I just saw these comments. I think I got hit with a bunch of Facebook ones and missed them.

    Thanks Laurel for the support, the book is being reviewed by Amazon and once I have the proof to approve I will order books and have a book signing and launch party.

    Alison, the Kindle version should be available sometime tomorrow, 9/13 and based on how that goes I am going to look into getting it on iBooks. I believe you can get the Kindle App for your iPad though. Since you pre-order though just email me and I will get you the latest version while we wait for the printed one. 😉

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