Category: Corporate Empathy

Work Revolution Needed for Tampa Bay Transit Plans

The top priority of improving our transportation network is to reduce congestion which would improve the quality of life and make our region more attractive to top employers and professionals. Infrastructure and bus improvements short of rail will certainly assist with relieving congestion; and with continued political efforts can be brought to reality. But will these initiatives ever really ease …

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Ignoring This Trend Could Ruin Startup Incubators

For a while I have expressed concern about the future of startup business incubators that are not only in Tampa Bay but everywhere. Tampa Bay Innovation Center president Tonya Elmore noted in the Tampa Bay Times last year that every "city council member in every town wants an incubator now that startups like Facebook glamorized entrepreneurship". The article estimates …

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For Social Enterprise Potential, Look Back at Globalization

During discussions about the Conscious Capitalism and Benefit Corporation movement or my own book Corporate Empathy the conversation often has some focus on social entrepreneurship and social enterprises and what the potential is for these kinds of businesses. According to Wikipedia, "a social enterprise is an organization that applies commercial strategies to maximize improvements in human and environmental well-being, rather than …

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