Category: Politics

Do local campaigns need TV?

The article today on political consultant Mich Kates highlights a point that seems to indicate a change in local political races going forward. The Beckner campaign tapped another, relatively inexpensive, means of reaching voters. While he raised nearly $200,000, the campaign spent none of it on television and little on the radio. While I do not …

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Government waste

According to the Tampa Tribune eight local police and rescue agencies spent at least $175,000 since April during campaign visits by Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, Sarah Palin and Hillary Clinton. Tampa police spent $100,826 on nine visits. The total is only slightly more than Sarah Palin’s wardrobe blunder which was paid for by …

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Choices, change and a state senator

I’ve put considerable though into what I think of this election and its results regard president. As a politically active  citizen I was unhappy with either of my options and place the blame squarely on those of you who do not participate or follow your local election. If you want to know who I voted …

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Obama, Congress and the ad industry

With the election of Obama this week Advertising Age has reported that our industry could feel some “pain” under the new administration. "Fasten your seat belts. It's going to be a bumpy ride," said Dick O'Brien, exec VP of the American Association of Advertising Agencies. Much of the needed health care reform our country needs could …

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Dorothy wore silver slippers

After my post last week about the American cheese burger and our bailout I continued reading up on our money supply and discovered a story, written over 100 years ago, that seems all to relevant to our situation today. The parallels of the story astound me in how it illustrates just how tied to credit we …

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