Category: Internet

Google’s Success Included Stickiness

Came across the article, Why Google Succeeded Where Other Search Engines Failed, from an Inc. Magazine Facebook post and was immediately struck with an irony to share. Aside from better search results the following is strongly credited for Google's success. ...there was another key reason: a stubborn refusal to accept the orthodox view at the time that …

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PagelinesPro for Exchange Club of Tampa

I've been using WordPress templates by PageLines for about two years now starting with their WhiteHousePro theme for politically themed websites. While WhiteHousePro was a great fit for this niche the other templates offered such as iBlogPro and EcoPro were not very flexible and/or inspiring. That changed late last year with the release of the …

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Internet Makeover for Less Than 6 Degrees

I decided this month to spend some time on a redesign and some improvements for the Less Than 6 Degrees Tampa Bay website and Facebook presence. The Facebook update was prompted by Facebook's recent decision to further decrease the value of Groups. We've created and are now promoting a Facebook Page. While the initial WordPress based site served it's …

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American Victory Ship Website Launch

The American Victory Ship is proud to announce that its new website developed by Tafuro Communications has been launched. This third generation website valued at over $20,000 incorporates a fully content managed interface along with new media features designed under the creative direction of Crissia Reay utilizing donated photography by Kismis Ink. " It has been …

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The Yellow Pages can’t touch this

One of the first things I encourage businesses to consider as part of their Internet marketing is to take control of their listing in Google's Local Business Center. Just recently Google published the video below on YouTube and sums up the reasons why very well. And it's FREE! If you currently spend money on Yellow …

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Web 3.0 and some new media sites

I recently started following @griner on twitter who posted Web 3.0 is about taming the deluge of data this week. I am entertained most by the Un-Sites he mentions, the most recent of which is Boone Oakley (embedded below) and their story of Billy. I was reminded by his post of the Modernista! site mention …

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Social-Media Kegger could cause a hangover

I found Doug deGrood’s recent article, This Social-Media Kegger Not All It's Cracked Up to Be, to be quite insightful and worth a read by anyone looking to start social-media and Internet marketing efforts. Especially if you if you are considering handing money to a company to assist you with your efforts. As one of …

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Twitter may find key to money

A Reuters article, Twitter to launch business tools by year-end, seems to me the best way for Twitter to monetize the service. It will be "simple stuff" such as lightweight analytics, (co-founder Biz) Stone said. He reiterated the company's commitment to keeping the service free for everyone... Even lightweight analytics could be a very powerful …

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